Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Peres: Iran is a Danger to the Entire World

Containment of Iran will only work for so long. Undermining evil ambitions is fine, but when your opponent is at a certain point you should try and pick them up and engage them. What is the future for the Jews and Persians in the region ? Are they both not traditional monotheists at their core ? I want to drive on a road from Jerusalem to Tehran in the future, hopefully before the end of this decade. This is not blue sky thinking. Some real courage and vision must replace the enmity. I hope the Israeli leadership are getting some advice about current realities with a long-term future perspective in mind. If the solved cube is the year 2050 then we can look back and deconstruct the moves required to get there. The world is desperate for hope and a way forward. The passengers on the HMS International will support a good captain and crew.